First Batch Of SAFOS Scholars

Saturday, 25th September 1971

The first five to receive the prestigious SAF Overseas Scholarship (SAFOS) were 2nd Lieutenants Boey Tak Hap, Lai Seck Khui, Lui Taun Kie, Sin Boon Wah and Lee Hsien Loong (the Prime Minister's son). These scholarships to British universities on exceptionally generous terms to induce the best of Singapore's youth to join the armed forces as regular officers.

SAFOS scholars have mentors both in the SAF and they have a non-uniformed, civilian mentor too. The role of the mentor is for scholars to convey their thoughts and concerns, the mentor is supposed to be encourage and give them advice and pointers. And normally the public service tries its best to make the match as close as possible. More interesting dual relationship in the form of remuneration. Pay is paid out by SAF, but has an SAF component and another component from the Public Service Division.

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