Thousands Caught Evading Bus Fares

Friday, 8th October 2010

Bus Inspectors, Bus Drivers, Interchange Staff, together, caught about seven thousand people evading bus fares in 2009. These errant commuters were issued a fine of S$20 for not paying or under-paying their bus fare and a S$50 fine for misusing concession cards.

60% of them were fare evaders that underpaid and the balance 38% did not pay any fares, and 2% were for the misuse of concession card. Overall, most of the fare evaders who were caught paid the fines. However 10% of cases escalated to Court action. In all, S$145,310 were collected and according to the spokesperson, they will go to defray the regulatory costs incurred in policing. Interestedly, the financial impact on the transport operators is minimal. The estimated revenue loss would be around S$160,000 (or 0.004% of the revenue). This is based on a estimated fare of S$2 per trip and for everyone caught ten got away.

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