Year 1957


POSB Will Not Be A Commercial Bank

Saturday, 6th August 1983

Singapore Government Made a "U-Turn" about changing POSB to a full commercial bank. As such, Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) will remain a statutory board and keep its tax-free status for savings accounts. And POSB deposits will continue to be guaranteed byh the government.

First test-tube baby was born

Thursday, 19th May 1983

Singapore's and Southeast Asia's first test-tube baby was born today in Kandang Kerbau hospital. The pioneer of the test-tube programme Professor S. S. Ratnam said, on behalf of his 10-member team, "The feeling is even greater than having your own child!" The proud mum of the baby was Mrs Lee Siew Ee, 25, a factory worker.

Mirage And Skyhawk Mid-Air Collision

Wednesday, 30th March 1983

A RSAF Skyhawk A-4S and an Australian RAAF Mirage III-OA A3-69 plane collided in mid-air over a vilage at Tengah. The RAAF Mirage was approaching Tengah Air Base runway 36 in a straight descending path after being cleared by Tengah's air traffic control when it is involved m a collision with the RSAF Skyhawk about 100 metres above ground. The Sky hawk was flying the final leg of a landing pattern. The pilot RSAF pilot involved in crash was identified as Lt Foo Siew Ngan of the 143 Squadron at Tengah Air Base was in good condition. The Australian pilot was Flight Lieutenant John O'Halloran, a 25-year-old bachelor from Brisbane was killed in the accident. Update: Flt. Lt. John O'Halloran ejected safely ejected at 400 ft and 190 kts with only minor injuries. One civilian on ground killed. Reference:

Three F-5 Jets Flew Home

Thursday, 24th February 1983

Three F-5 supersonic jet flew home from US via UK. The first leg from US, Nellis Air Base in Las Vegas, to UK, RAF Leuchers in Scotland, which took the American team 8 days. The second leg from UK to Singapore took another 8 days which was done by the local team. The local team was led by Major Mark Wong who is the Commanding Officer of 144 Squadron. The 8 days trip from UK with stop-over in France, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand and Malaysia.

Lim Hock Siew Allowed To Leave Pulau Tekong

Tuesday, 7th September 1982

Dr. Lim Hock Siew, a polical detainee, was allowed to leave Pulau Tekong on conditon that was not to particpate in political activity. Dr. Lim had categorically stated to Singapore Internal Security Department (ISD) officers that on returning to Singapore island, he would concentrate on his medical practice. Another condition stipulates that he will have to stay in a stipulated address and not allow to leave Singapore with prior written permission of the ISD Director. In all, Dr. Lim was detained for 19 years.

Schools to teach the Singapore story

Monday, 9th August 1982

Schools will introduce a new history syllabus, The Social and Economic History of Singapore from the day it was founded by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819 to its independence on Aug 9, 1965. This means new history books to give young Singaporeans an insight into their historical and cultural background.

RSAF Jet Fighter Crashed In Sydney

Saturday, 7th August 1982

A Singapore Air Force Skyhawk jet fighter crashed today after its engine failed during gunnery practice near Newcastle, in New South Wales, but the pilot escaped unhurt, an Australian Air Force spokesman said. The pilot, Lieutenant Jaspal Singh 23, ejected from the plane.

Singa the courtesy lion makes debut

Friday, 14th May 1982

Courtesy had a friendly face and the national courtesy campaign a mascot - Singa, which meant "Lion" in Malay. The introduction of Singa gave Singaporeans one of their most recognisable campaign mascots. The lovable courtesy lion would soon be popping out of every corner - caps, T-shirts, pencil cases and school bags.

President Devan Nair

Friday, 23rd October 1981

C V Devan Nair became the President of Singapore. Devan Nair was elected by Parliament as the Republic of Singapore’s Third President.

Singapore Guards Formed

Tuesday, 1st July 1980

The Singapore Guards are best distinguished by their superior physical fitness, mental dexterity, discipline and tenacity. Guards are primarily an elite Infantry brigade.

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