Year 1973


Sun Yat Sen Villa National Monument

Friday, 28th October 1994

The Sun Yat Sen Villa was declared a national monument. It was built in the 1880s by a Chinese merchant Boey Chuan Poh. It was used as the Southeast Asian headquarters for the Chinese revolutionary movement and was the home of Dr Sun Yat Sen during his visits to Singapore in the 1900s. It was renamed Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall when it reopened in 2001 after a major restoration.

Competitive salaries scheme

Friday, 21st October 1994

The Government announced a new system to set the salaries of ministers and senior civil servants by pegging their pay to that of top earners in six private sector professions. A White Paper, “Competitive Salaries for Competent and Honest Government: Benchmarks for Ministers and Senior Public Officers”, was published listing recommendations for setting formal benchmarks for public sector pay. Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong tabled a motion in Parliament to endorse the White Paper in its next sitting on 31October.

Opening of Tuas Naval Base

Friday, 2nd September 1994

The Tuas Naval Base (TNB) was official opened by Prime Minister (PM), Mr Goh Chok Tong. This is the Republic of Singapore Navy's second base. The first Naval Base at Palau Brani was opened in 1974.

Buangkok Green Medical Park Opened

Thursday, 1st September 1994

Foo Hai Ch'an Monastery, parent organization of Ren Ci, assumed responsibility for the 174-bedded Chronic Sick Unit of the former Woodbridge Hospital (now known as Buangkok Green Medical Park).

More F-16 C/D For The Air Force

Friday, 1st July 1994

Singapore government announced Peace Carvin II (PC2) which saw the purchase of eighteen F-16 C/Ds (8 x F-16C Block 52 and 10 x F-16D Block 52). The decision was reportedly based on price quoted by Lockheed Martin of USD $23m for each F-16. The new machines will be powered by the F100-PW-229 engine and will have a down rated version of the LANTIRN pod system. The aircraft are AIM-120 AMRAAM and AGM-88 Harm capable.

GST Introduced

Friday, 1st April 1994

A 3 percent GST was implemented in Singapore. It is part of the Tax Restructuring System. The restructuring involved the introduction of GST, reductions in income tax rates, property tax and some existing indirect tax.

Asian Aerospace '94

Tuesday, 22nd February 1994

The Seventh Asian Aerospace ‘94 (AA94) is a 6-day event, taking place from 22 February to 27 February 1994. The first 4 days of the Singapore Airshow are exclusively for trade attendees and the final 2 weekend days are open to general public at large. Show visitors are treated to an extra 30-minute aerobatic flying display taking place at this year’s Singapore Airshow over the public weekend. This is in addition to the 60-minute aerial display.

Whale Trapped In Tuas Bay

Monday, 31st January 1994

A 4m female false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens), appeared trapped for a week within Tuas Bay, a large man-made bay, in January 1994. After refusing attempts to guide it out of the bay, its carcass was found outside the bay with body injuries by some fishermen. The fishermen then dragged it to shore. It had evaded two earlier attempts by rescuers.

Sungei Buloh Nature Park Opened

Friday, 3rd December 1993

Sungei Buloh Nature Park, also known as Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve, was opened by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong. The Parks & Recreation Department of Singapore (National Parks Board) undertook the development of Sungei Buloh, in consultation with experts in the field, notably, the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust from the United Kingdom and Worldwide Fund for Nature.

The 1000th 747 was delivered to Singapore Airlines

Tuesday, 12th October 1993

Boeing delivers 747 line No. 1,000 to Singapore Airlines. It is a the -400 series. The Boeing 747-400 series is the best selling and the most advanced model of the 747 family.

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