Year 1973


RSAF men injured after chopper landed in Thailand

Wednesday, 28th March 1990

Four men of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) suffered injuries when their Super Puma helicopter made an emergency landing during a routine training flight in Thailand. Three of them sustained minor injuries and received treatment at the Koke Kathiem Military Base.

Asian Aerospace '90

Wednesday, 14th February 1990

This is the Fifth Asian Aerospace (AA90) show in Singapore with some 25,000 trade and 50,000 public visitors attended the five-day Asian Aerospace '90 show at Singapore's Changi International Exhibition and Conference Centre (CIECC).

Maintenance of Religious Harmony Bill Read

Monday, 15th January 1990

The Maintenance of Religious Harmony Bill was read today in Parliament. The bill aims to prevent acts that threaten religious harmony in Singapore.

Singapore Indoor Stadium Opened

Sunday, 31st December 1989

The Singapore Indoor Stadium was officially opened by then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.

Capital punishment for drugs trafficking

Thursday, 30th November 1989

Parliament passed a Bill today amending the Misuse of Drugs Act. The death penalty would now be extended to cocaine, cannabis and opium traffickers, including manufacturers, importers and exporters. Previously the death penalty applied only to those convicted of trafficking in more than 15 grams of heroin and more than 30 grams of morphine.

Management book on Singapore launched

Tuesday, 14th November 1989

The book, “Management of Success”, published by the Singapore Institute of South-east Asian Studies, was launched today. Weighing 2 kg and running to 1,134 pages, it took about five years to complete. It had a collection of 49 essays by 54 local and foreign authors on various aspects of Singapore’s development.

RSAF Skyhawk Crashed In Phillipines

Wednesday, 1st November 1989

RSAF A-4 Skyhawk crashed north of Manilla, Phillipines, while on a training mission out of Clark AFB. Pilot ejected safely.

City Harvest Chruch Founded

Sunday, 7th May 1989

The church was founded by Kong Hee and his wife Sun Ho on and held its first service at Peace Centre. It first functioned as Ekklesia Ministry, a youth department, under the legal covering of Bethany Christian Centre, an Assemblies of God church.

Nutrition Week Launched

Friday, 7th April 1989

Nutrition Week was launched to urge citizens to be put more awareness on nutrition. It was found that Singaporeans had been increasing their intake of fats and that incidences of heart diseases and cancer had risen sharply over the past two decades.

Plan To Knock Down The Old And Build A New

Thursday, 23rd March 1989

The Minister of National Development, S. Dhanabalan, revealed plans in Parliament to build a new National Library from its current location.

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