Year 1973


Upper Pierce Reservoir Opened

Sunday, 27th February 1977

At the opening of the Upper Pierce Reservoir, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew had suggest that keeping the waterways of Singapore clean need to be a priority. There he set the target of a decade for the Ministry of Environment to clean up both the Singapore River and the Kallang River. The rivers' pollution had grown as for decades, the river residents had lived in unsewered premises and disposed their farm wastes into the river. These included families living on bum boats, hawkers, squatters, pig farms and duck farms. At least 26,000 families and 2,800 cottage industries had to be relocated during this massive clean-up.

Ho Kwon Ping was arrested

Tuesday, 4th January 1977

Far Eastern Economic Review local correspondent, Ho Kwon Ping was arrested and charged with disseminating protected information regarding the manufacturing and sale of military goods.

PAP Won 1976 General Election

Thursday, 23rd December 1976

In 1976 General Election, PAP defeated all six opposition parties and two Independents, and won a total of 69 seats.  22 candidates from Workers' Party contested the Election but did not win any seats.

Mother Teresa In Singapore

Tuesday, 30th November 1976

Mother Teresa, 66-years old, called the living saint by many was in Singapore. Mother Teresa was known for her work among the destitute and leprosy patients in Calcutta. She often said she had no time to think of affluence and believes that the rich lack the love and understanding of the poor. She spoke in a press conference by the Asian Conference on Religion and Peace.

First person to face 100 charges

Saturday, 20th November 1976

Lim Kok Tin, a 30-year-old private investigator, made legal history when he became the first person to face 100 charges for extortion. The case was believed to have the highest number of charges preferred by the public prosecutor against one man. He was accused of extorting or attempted extortion over an 11-month period, involving $260,000. He was offered a bail of $1,000 on each of the 100 charges or a total bail of $100,000.

A-4 Skyhawk Crashed Into The Sea

Tuesday, 31st August 1976

A pilot was belived killed after his Singapore Air Force A-4 Skyhawk crashed into the sea about 10 miles south of Singapore today. The ministry said the plane was on a training flight.

Four Hawker Hunters Flew Home

Monday, 19th July 1976

Four remaining Hawker Hunter Jet Fighter Aircraft of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) that was stationed in UK for weapon tactical training have been flown home from Britiain by local RSAF pilots. These Hawker Hunter Jets will be use for operational fighter pilot training at Tengah Air Base (RSAF 140 Squadron). The five pilots and a techician was involved in the flight home which was lead by Capt. Harry Lim. The aricraft stopped at 11 countries along its route and covered almost 14,500 kilometers.

Singapore Air Force Day

Monday, 7th June 1976

The first public demonstration of the four-ship Black Knights was on June 7, 1976 in Changi airbase on the occasion of the Singapore Air Force Day.

RSAF Instructor Killed In Take-off Crash

Wednesday, 28th January 1976

A Pilot Instructor, Captain O.J. Williams, with the Republic of Singapore Air Force died In hospital after his Strlkemaster Jet crashed shortly after take-off at Changl Airbase. A Defence Ministry statement said he and another pilot had ejected from the training aircraft.

Skyhawk Crash Into South China Sea

Monday, 5th January 1976

LT Cheong Kahl Loong pilot of a Singapore A-4S Skyhawk on a training flight was missing after his A-4S crashed into the South China Sea northeast of Singapore.

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