Year 1973


Muhammad Ali is amazed by local kungfu fighter

Tuesday, 23rd October 1973

Muhammad Ali, the visiting former world heavyweight boxing champion, took up a challenge by two Singapore fungku master and was stunned by their strength. He packed all his formidable power into a chop which he landed squarely on kungfu master Wong Yue Chee’s throat. The martial arts exponent did not even flinch. Wong and fellow kungfu master Anthony Wee were demonstrating their Qi (internal strength) to Ali at a special lunch held at the Goodwood Park Hotel. Muhammad Ali shook his head in disbelief: “It’s crazy, real crazy.”

Discos Operator Warned

Saturday, 20th October 1973

As part of the crackdown on drug abuse, discotheques were given notice that some of them would be closed down if they did not clean up their act. Health and Home Affairs Minister Chua Sian Chin said stringent controls would be imposed on those allowed to operate. He said discos had turned into haunts where drug abuse came alive nightly and acts of violence were common occurrences. The Anti-Drug Abuse Week was to step up public awareness of the drug problem.

High Court sentenced five kidnappers to death

Monday, 8th October 1973

The Singapore High Court sentenced five kidnappers to death, under the Kidnapping Act (Cap 101, 1970 Ed), after they pleaded guilty to the abduction of Mr. Tjioe Kow Hwie, an Indonesian businessman, from his Watten Estate home on 14 March 1972. The kidnappers also successfully obtained ransom money of SGD $50,000 and released Mr. Tjioe.  Believed to the first case of its kind here, the Court rejected the contention that a guilty plea with life imprisonment sentence would set a dangerous precedent for potential kidnappers.  It was also contrary to public interest. The Court applied the discretion that life imprisonment in kidnapping for ransom would only be imposed under very exceptional circumstances.

Time Capsule Buried

Saturday, 18th August 1973

Dr Toh Chin Chye, who was the Minister-in-charge of the Science Board, buried a time capsule at the site of the Singapore Science Centre.

National Stadium was officially opened

Tuesday, 31st July 1973

Singapore’s ultra modern and new sports facility, the National Stadium, was officially opened in conjunction with Singapore’s hosting of the VII SEAP (Southeast Asian Peninsular) Games for the first time.

NTUC Open First Cooperative Supermarket

Sunday, 22nd July 1973

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) launched a supermarket co-operative called NTUC Welcome (Fairprice) in Toa Payoh. The then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew was there to officially declare the store opened. This was a significant indication of the strong support from the government.

Adelphi Hotel Closed

Monday, 25th June 1973

The Adelphi Hotel had a grand farewell party at its premises.  The hotel's management made a nice gesture for proceeds from that night went to the Singapore Cheshire Home for the handicapped.  The closing of the three-storey Adelphi Hotel marked the closing of Singapore's oldest hotel.  The Adelphi Hotel started operations in 1863 in Commercial Square but when the premises could not cope with the hotel's growing business, the hotel than shifted to High Street.  And letter to it last location Coleman Street.

The Singapore Zoo opened its gates

Saturday, 23rd June 1973

The Singapore Zoo (offically & legally named: Singapore Zoological Gardens) opened to public with a collection of 270 animals from over 72 species, and a staff of 130. The opening was an instant hit, probably from the escape of the black panther, with the local population. Endless streams of people visited the Singapore Zoological Gardens over the next few months.

Start of Singapore Stock Exchange

Saturday, 16th June 1973

Finance Minister Hon Sui Sen inaugurated the Singapore Stock Exchange (SES) at the Trading Room, Clifford Centre. Approval was already given on 31 May 1973, with the adoption of Rules, Bye-Laws and Regulations, Corporate Disclosure Policy and the Listing Manual. The SES was later subsumed under the Singapore Exchange, together with the Singapore International Monetary Exchange.

Eighth Singapore Grand Prix

Sunday, 22nd April 1973

SIA (Singapore Airlines) replaces MSA (Malaysia-Singapore Airlines) as the sponsor. Singapore Airlines hosted most of the top overseas racer. The main race was won by Vern Schuppan in his March 722. Graeme Lawrence and John Macdonald came in second and third respectively. The Motorcycle GP was won by Bill Molloy in his Kawasaki 750. This was the last Grand Prix that was held in the Upper Thomson Road Street Circuit.

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