Year 1988
ST Aerospace Provides Helicopter Fleet To RSAF
Thursday, 24th November 2005
ST Aerospace (Singapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd) provides a fleet of five Eurocopter EC 120 Colibri helicopters (AKA Hummingbird) together with full technical and logistics support for RSAF’s Rotary Wing Course (RWC).
Zheng He Exhibition
Saturday, 13th August 2005
The Zheng He & Maritime Asia Exhibition, held at the National Library (Level 10) Victoria Street, ran for 6 months from 13 August 2005 to 10 February 2006. The Exhibition enhanced public's interest in learning about Zheng He and his influence on the maritime history of Southeast Asia. The exhibition showcased the various ports-of-call and highlight the cultural, social and political influences, which have, to some extent, contributed to Singapore's multi-cultural identity and entrepot status. This also marks 600th anniversary of Zheng He's voyages. Zheng He commanded seven great expeditions to more than 30 countries between 1405 and 1433.
New National Library Opened
Friday, 22nd July 2005
The National Library in Singapore was officially opened. It is located on an 11,304-square metre site between Bugis Junction and the Bras Basah Complex. The new building replaces the old National Library at Stamford Road, which closed on 31 March 2004. National Reference Library at Victoria Street was named Lee Kong Chian Library in honor of the late Mr. Lee Kong Chian. His donation kick started the first National Library project.
Senior Minister Goh Made Press Statement
Saturday, 16th July 2005
Senior Minister Goh Chiok Tong said that his wife (Mrs Goh, Patron of NKF) regretted the "for a person who runs a big million-dollar charitable organisation, with a few hundred million in reserves, S$600,000 a year is peanuts" statement. He also said to have explained and shown her several e-mails and letters he had received after the remark was made. Mrs Goh has also resigned as patron of the NKF.
NKF board resigned en masse
Thursday, 14th July 2005
NKF board resigned en masse which includes NKF CEO TT Durai, NKF Chairman Richard Yong, NKF Director Mathilda Chua and NKF Treasurer Loo Say San. Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan appointed Gerard Ee as interim chairman and CEO.
NKF v. SPH Case Dropped
Tuesday, 12th July 2005
The case was dropped by Durai on 5 PM on the second day of the trial. This action triggered the The National Kidney Foundation Singapore scandal, also known as the NKF saga, NKF scandal, or NKF controversy, was a July 2005 scandal involving National Kidney Foundation Singapore (NKF) following the collapse of a defamation trial which it brought against Susan Long and Singapore Press Holdings (SPH).
Monday, 11th July 2005
The trial began with Susan Long and SPH represented by Senior Counsel and MP Davinder Singh, while NKF and Durai were represented by Senior Counsel Michael Khoo. Under cross-examination, it was revealed that Durai collected a monthly salary of $25,000 and collected a 10-month bonus in 2002 and a 12-month bonus in both 2003 and 2004, for a total of $1.8 million over three years. He had access to a fleet of eight chauffeured cars and the NKF paid the taxes and maintenance costs of his personal Mercedes-Benz.
Supreme Court moved out
Saturday, 18th June 2005
The Supreme Court moved out of both the City Hall and Supreme Court buildings into a new Supreme Court building just across the road. The road was also renamed from Colombo Court to Supreme Court Lane. As part of the transformation of Singapore's civic district into a bustling arts and cultural hub, City Hall will be converted into a world class national art gallery by 2013.
The Kallang River Murder
Thursday, 16th June 2005
Leong Siew Chor was found guilty of murdering Chinese national Liu Hong Mei, chopped up her body and dumped the pieces into Kallang River.
Singapore Settle Land Reclamation Case
Tuesday, 26th April 2005
Singapore signs the Settlement Agreement of the Case Concerning Land Reclamation by Singapore in and around the Straits of Johor.
Nation Building 1 People 2 Places 10 Politics 1
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