Year 1988
Lemon Law Passed In Singapore Parliament
Friday, 9th March 2012
Parliament passed the "Lemon Law" to strengthen consumer protection in Singapore. Under the Lemon Law, consumers can report a defective item within six months of delivery.
RSAF To Expand Cazaux AJT Detachment
Thursday, 8th March 2012
RSAF's Chief of Staff (Air Staff) Brigadier-General (BG) Wong Huat Sern and General Jean-Luc Crochard of the Armee de l'Air attended the ground breaking ceremony for a new two-storey building at Cazaux to house flight simulators, equipment and instructional materials, interactive classrooms and briefing rooms for the RSAF's Advanced Jet Training (AJT) detachment. The new RSAF 150 Squadron annex building is scheduled to be completed by late 2013.
Naked Mole Rats Seen At The Singapore Zoo
Thursday, 8th March 2012
The Singapore Zoological Gardens opened a 50-sq-metre exhibition of naked mole rats and a scaled-down version of their complex living environment. The exhibit mimics their system of burrows in the wild. The exhibit has glass-fronted panels for visitors to view the rodents at work and play.
Mainland Chinese To Develop Homes
Wednesday, 7th March 2012
The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) announced that it has awarded the tender for a private residential site at Hillview Avenue to Kingsford Development Pte. Ltd. (UEN: 201100502C), a company owned by three mainland China nationals, for S$243.2 million. 99-year 136,148 sq. ft. (381,214 sq.ft. floor area) in Hillview area that can yield 370 homes.
Moneylending Act Amended
Wednesday, 7th March 2012
Changes to Moneylenders Act to help improve protection for borrowers. Rules governing moneylenders in Singapore are being tightened to further improve protection for borrowers, especially for those in the lower income group.
HSBC Women’s Champions 2012
Sunday, 26th February 2012
The HSBC Women’s Champions is a golf tournament for professional female golfers that is part of the LPGA Tour. HSBC Women’s Champions was played for the first time in 2008 at the Tanah Merah Country Club in Singapore. The Winner for the 2012 game is Angela Sanford of the USA. She walked home with the price money of USD$210,000.
DBS ATM Breached Again
Thursday, 23rd February 2012
Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) has been hit by another round of unauthorised ATM withdrawals. 17 DBS customers were affected and they lost nearly S$25,000. According to the Bank, on 19 February, the bank received calls from a handful of customers who were alerted to unauthorised ATM withdrawals in Singapore, after receiving real-time SMS alerts from the bank.
Indians Pounded Singapore Hockey Team
Sunday, 19th February 2012
Indian men's hockey team started their 2012 London Olympics qualifying campaign with a thumping 15-1 win over Singapore in New Delhi Stadium. Tournament favourites India, toyed with Singapore throughout the match. France also trashed the Singapore Men with a 9-0 win.
Island-wide Air Raid Siren Sounded At Around Noon
Wednesday, 15th February 2012
They are part of the events lined up to mark the 70th anniversary of the fall of Singapore to the Japanese on 15 February 1942. Singaporeans remembered and learned valuable lessons from the resilience and strength of spirit that their forefathers demonstrated during the Japanese Occupation. He said in the midst of this dark chapter in the country's history, they endured tremendous hardship between 1942 and 1945. Many struggled to rebuild their dreams, homes, lives and adapted in the face of hardship and challenges.
Yaw Shin Leong Expelled From Workers' Party
Tuesday, 14th February 2012
Singapore's opposition Workers' Party has expelled its Member of Parliament (MP) for Hougang, Yaw Shin Leong on Valentine's Day 2012, amid allegations of an extramarital affair. Mr Yaw had secured a win in the last General Election.
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