Year 2004
Japan Made To Pay $50 million In War Reparations
Tuesday, 25th October 1966
The Government of Singapore made a request to Japan for reparations and an apology. On 25 October 1966, Japan agreed to pay $50 million in compensation, half of which as a grant and the other half as a loan. Japan did not make an official apology.
Singapore celebrated its first National Day
Tuesday, 9th August 1966
The main event of the first Singapore National Day was a National Day parade involving 23,000 men, women and children which was held at the Padang. , At exactly 9 am was the arrival of the Republic's first President, Yusof bin Ishak and was met by Defence Minister cum Colonel of the Singapore Artillery, Dr Goh Keng Swee. Already seated the steps of the City Hall were Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, Cabinet Members, Members of Parliament and invited guests. Then the National Anthem was played with a Presidential salute, and then, escorted by Doctor Goh, the President reviewed the parade Guard of Honor. This was followed by the start of the march past. The finale brought crashing cymbals, gongs, thundering drums and a mass display of 60 lions and dragons dance. The event ended at 10.30 am.
PM opens Union House
Friday, 15th October 1965
The Trade Union House was opened this evening in Shenton Way. The location of the union house on such a prime piece of land was in recognition of the important role played by the trade unions in nation building. The opening ceremony was performed by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew – himself fulfilling an election pledge in 1959 – before his party swept to power with massive union support. Tributes were paid to the Secretary General of NTUC Devan Nair by unionists and Mr Lee.
Singapore in UN
Tuesday, 21st September 1965
Singapore is admitted into the United Nations as the 117th member.
Singapore separates from Malaysia
Monday, 9th August 1965
For Singapore, 9 August 1965 was no ceremonial occasion. The Malaysian Parliament votes, 2 days ago on 7 August 1965, to expel Singapore from the Federation; Singapore becomes independent after separating from Malaysia. One of the more poignant moments which many Singaporeans, this is the time Mr Lee Kuan Yew cried on Television during a meet the press session on the separation of Singapore from Malaysia. His speech included this quote: "For me, it is a moment of anguish. All my life, my whole adult life, I have believed in merger and unity of the two territories."
HDB Announced Home Ownership Scheme
Wednesday, 12th February 1964
HDB, Housing & Development Board, announced a home ownership scheme which would allow every Singaporean to own a home in Singapore.
HDB was formed
Monday, 1st February 1960
The Housing & Development Board, HDB, was setup with Mr. Lim Kim San as its chairman. Over the next 4 decades, Lim Kim San went on to server as Minister for National Development, Finance, Defense, Education, Communications and the Environment.
Singapore Constitution Exposition 1959
Saturday, 31st January 1959
The Singapore Constitution Exposition (SCE) 1959 at Kallang Park (abandon runway of Old Kallang Airport) was organised by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to celebrate the full internal self-government to Singapore. The SCE was described as a spectacular exhibition on an eighty hectare ground and the most outstanding celebration of its kind ever to be staged in this part of the world. The Exposition represents a cross-section of races, cultures, goods, goods, costumes and ways of living into view the daily life in Singapore of racial harmony and tolerance.
Fitzpatrick's Opened Its Door
Saturday, 9th August 1958
Fitzpatrick's Supermarket Singapore's first supermarket was officially opened in Orchard Road. It was estimated that it costed the company, Fitzpatrick's Food Supplies (Far East) Limited, a total of $1.25 million to build. The build was fully air-conditioned with a parking space for 200 cars behind the 4-storey building. The barrel vault roof was designed by Steen Sehested and Partners which provided a column-free shopping space.
Transfer Administration of Christmas Island To Australia
Monday, 10th June 1957
After World War II in 1945, Christmas Island was placed under the administration of the Colony of Singapore. Phosphate was discovered, leading to a booming mining industry which required large number of labourers from Singapore. The British proposed the transfer of Christmas Island to Australia. Taking consideration of the losses in phosphate mining, Australia compensated the self-government of Singapore a total of 2.9 million pounds. This event contributed indirectly to the political downfall of Second Chief Minister of Singapore Lim Yew Hock, who was blamed by the public for not trying hard enough in securing the sovereignty of Christmas Island.
Major Events 1 Nation Building 1 People 6 Places 19
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