Year 2004
Independent Talk Fell Apart
Wednesday, 16th May 1956
The British Government could not accept the terms, which is the "chairmanship of the defence council." Britain insisted on nominating the holder. Mr. Marshall disagree. And the British Team decided to end the talk. Merdeka? It's all over! The final communique was drawn up and released. The British Team led by Mr Lennox Boyd then meet the press and read his statement. Later the Singapore Team meet the press and it was that moment that Mr. David Marshall announce his resignation.
Independent Talk Begins In London
Tuesday, 1st May 1956
The Singapore Team was lead by Singapore's Chief Minister Mr. David Marshall. The British Team was lead by Britain's Secretary of State for the Colonies Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd. Mr Marshall have told many people in the Singapore Camp that if necessary he would sign an agreement with Britain himself even if there are opposition from other parties. This statement angered many in the Singapore Camp.
Self-Rule Delegation Arrived In London
Monday, 23rd April 1956
First round of 'Merdeka' Talks starts, with Mr. David Marshall leading a 12-men all-party delegation which include opposition party leader, Mr. Lee Kwan Yew, to London to demand internal self-government of Singapore by 1957.
Malcolm MacDonald Leave Singapore
Friday, 2nd September 1955
Mr. Malcolm MacDonald was in Singapore for nine year as Commissioner-General for South-East Asia. The Governor of Singapore, Sir Robert Black and Lady Black and Service Chiefs wait on the Paya Lebar Airport Tarmac. was honoured by a 100-man guard and the band of 1st Bn of The Queen's Royal Regiment with a large crowd singing "Auld Lang Syne".
Paya Lebar Airport Opened
Saturday, 20th August 1955
Singapore Paya Lebar International Airport with its imposing hangars and spacious passenger terminal was opened by Alan Lennox-Boyd, Secretary of State for Colonies. The first pilot to land at Singapore International Airport was First Officer Chan Soon Kin of Malayan Airways, who till then had clocked 8,000 flying hours to his credit. The Paya Lebar Airport replaces the Old Kallang Airport as Singapore's International Airport.
Singapore Legislative Assembly 2nd General Election
Sunday, 3rd April 1955
The second general election for the Legislative Assembly was a lively and closely-fought affair, with several new political parties joining the fray. Unlike previous elections, voters were automatically registered, expanding the electorate to around 300,000.The SPP was soundly defeated in the election, winning only four seats. The newly-formed, left-leaning Labour Front was the biggest winner with ten seats was led by David Marshall. Labour Front formed a coalition government with the UMNO-MCA Alliance, which won three seats. Another new party, the leftist People's Action Party (PAP) led by Lee Kuan Yew, won three seats.
The Fajar Trial
Monday, 23rd August 1954
The three day trial saw Queen’s Counsel and leftwing champion, Denis Nowell Pritt (engaged by Lee Kuan Yew the senior defense counsel) for the Fajar 8. At the end of the third day, District Judge FA (Freddy) Chua threw the case out without the defense being called. Fajar 8 were acquitted of all charges.
The Fajar 8 Were Arrested
Friday, 28th May 1954
Attorney-General Davis gave written sanction to prosecute the Fajar 8 - Poh Soo Kai (president of club), MK Rajakumar, James Puthucheary, Kwa Boo Sun, Lam Khuan Kit, Thomas Varkey, P Arudsothy and Edwin Thumboo (oldest – James Puthcheary, 32; youngest P Arudsothy, 19) for publishing the "Aggression in Asia". The Fajar 8 were picked up by the police. 7 of them were arrested at the University Hostel in Dunearn Road. Poh Soo Kai was picked up from his Katong home. They were charged in court. Bail of $1000 each was provided by Vice-Chancellor Sir Sydney Caine, who felt it was his duty to bail out the students involved. Lee Kuan Yew (honourary advisor to the club) represented the students in court.
Rendel Commission Established
Sunday, 1st November 1953
A Constitutional Commission under Sir George Rendel was established. The Rendel Commission recommended a new constitution with automatic voter registration, and a mainly elected Legislative Assembly of 32 members. This Constitution came into effect in 1955. The Rendel Commission thus paved the way to April 1955 elections.
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