Year 2004
RSAF Open Training Facilities In France
Wednesday, 24th July 2002
The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) opened a new pilot training facilities with new 150 Squadron building and aircraft maintenance hangar in Cazaux (France). 49 fighter pilots have already honed their skills since 1998. RSAF training group setup a temporary training detachment comprising 100 personnel and 10 A-4SU Super Skyhawk aircraft. According to the Ministry of Defence, this is the first oversea Advanced Jet Training detachment.
Born to Read, Read to Bond project launched
Tuesday, 27th November 2001
The Born to Read, Read to Bond programme aims to promote lifelong learning and deepen family ties by increasing parent-child bonding. The programme, introduced by the National Library Board is designed for children from new borns up to three years of age.
HSA Formed
Sunday, 1st April 2001
Formation of Health Sciences Authority (HSA) with the integration of 5 highly specialised agencies under the Ministry of Health; Centre for Drug Evaluation, Institute of Science and Forensic Medicine, National Pharmaceutical Administration, Product Regulation Department and Singapore Blood Transfusion Service. This multidisciplinary agency in health sciences expertise with its core capabilities encompass administering the national regulatory frameworks for pharmaceuticals, complementary medicines, medical devices and other health products; the running of the national blood bank and provision of transfusion medicine services; and the provision of forensic medicine expertise, investigative forensic and analytical science services.
Singapore Kindness Movement
Thursday, 1st March 2001
The National Courtesy Campaign was officially subsumed under the Singapore Kindness Movement. Courtesy programmes previously run under the National Courtesy Campaign now continue to be run under the Singapore Kindness Movement.
Speak Good English Campaign
Saturday, 1st April 2000
The first Annual Speak Good English Campaign was first launched in April 2000. It was part of the Government's efforts to expand the use of standard English and discourage the use of Singlish. The campaign is targeted at Singaporeans under 40, including young working adults, parents and students in schools, tertiary institutes, polytechnics and technical institutes.
DBS Group Holdings Limited
Saturday, 18th September 1999
The Development Bank of Singapore Ltd (DBS) was restructured to become a wholly-owned subsidiary of DBS Group Holdings Limited. The principal activities of the DBS Group consists of investment holding, banking and financing, the provision of mortgage financing, lease and hire purchase financing, corporate advisory services, nominee and trustee services, funds management services, stockbroking, primary dealership in Singapore Government securities, merchant banking, factoring, credit card and venture capital operations, and other financial services.
Studio flats for the elderly
Wednesday, 5th November 1997
The Housing Board (HDB) unveiled a new type of housing – studio apartments targeted at Singaporean HDB flat-owners aged 55 or older. For a start, it would build 580 units at four sites in Tampines, Bedok, Yishun and Jurong East. Minister for National Development Lim Hng Kiang said the partially-furnished studio apartments would have elderly-friendly features and would be sold on 30-year leases which could be renewed for another 10 years.
Racial Harmony Day Launched
Monday, 21st July 1997
Racial Harmony Day was first launched on 21 July 1997. It is part of the National Education Programme, headed by the Ministry of Education and is celebrated on the anniversary of the communal riots that occurred on 21 July 1964.
Friday, 25th August 1995
The SAFTI-MI (Military Institute) was officially declared bythen Prime Minister, MR GOH CHOK TONG. The importance of the College is self-evident. The majority of the SAF’s mid level commanders and staff officers has been and will be trained here. It is here that they acquire the knowledge and expertise needed for command and staff appointments in MINDEF, the Army, the Air Force and the Navy.
HDB Launch Executive Condominium Scheme
Tuesday, 1st August 1995
The Executive Condominium (EC) is a HDB scheme that provide home owners with 99-year leasehold apartments with all the appearance and facilities of a private condominiums. However, it will be governed by similar HDB's policy of subsidy and conditions on application and re-sale. The scheme is to cater to the well-to-do household and as a bridge between private and public housing.
Major Events 1 Nation Building 1 People 6 Places 19
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