Year 2004
RSAF In Pearce Australia
Saturday, 5th November 1994
The official opening was carried out by the Singapore Defence Minister, Lee Boon Yang, on 5 November 1994. This complex in Pearce have about 160 personnel and can housed 27 aircraft. RSAF has relocated part of its Flying Training School to RAAF Base Pearce in Western Australia and commenced operations there in September 1993. RSAF 130 Squadon Detachment is house in a new building and facilities have been specially constructed.
RSAF to replace Skyvans with Fokker 50s
Monday, 24th January 1994
The air force's ageing fleet of Skyvan transport planes is being replaced with a fleet of longer-range and larger capacity aircraft the Fokker 50s. Four new Fokker 50s, each costing about $15 million, will gradually replace the six Skyvans.
Goh Chok Tong became Prime Minster
Wednesday, 28th November 1990
A new chapter opened in Singapore's modern history Goh Chok Tong became the second Prime Minster of Singapore when he took over the office from Lee Kuan Yew who resigned after having been Prime Minster since 1959.
COE Introduced
Tuesday, 1st May 1990
Certificates of Entitlement (COE) give Singaporeans the right to own a vehicle. In Singapore, anyone wishing to buy a car or motorcycle has to bid for a Certificate of Entitlement (COE). Only public buses, school buses and emergency vehicles are exempted from this scheme. A certain number of COEs would be released every month for bidding. Once successful and only when one owns a COE that registration of the vehicle could take effect. The vehicle entitlement is valid for only 10 years and is transferred with the ownership of the vehicle.
Singapore took delivery of its first F-16
Saturday, 20th February 1988
The machines were delivered to Luke Air Force Base in Arizona, where the RSAF trains its new F-16 pilots. Singapore also leased nine F-16A's previously used by the Thunderbirds flight demonstration team from 1993 to 1996, for training. The new F16 was purchased under Peace Carvin I signed in 1985.
Singapore Ordered Eight F-16 Fighter Jets
Tuesday, 1st January 1985
The government of Singapore ordered eight F-16 fighter jets and took an option for 12 more. The F-16/79 Variant was a cost-reduced version of the Fighting Falcon powered by the General Electric J79 turbojet rather than the F100 turbofan. This purchase was under the Peace Carvin I Foreign Military Sales program, and was intended to replace the ageing Hawker Hunters still serving with the Republic of Singapore Air Force since 1969.
RSAF Buy Super Pumas
Monday, 16th April 1984
RSAF is to purchase 22 French made helicopters, Super Pumas, and have gives option to buy 12 more.
New Housing Estate To Rise From The Sands
Friday, 13th April 1984
A new Housing Development Board (HDB) town will be emerging from the sands in the rural district of Pasir Ris. Estimated to be more than twice the size of Marine Parade housing estate. Pasir Ris will have a population of more than 150,000 when fully developed. The Pasir Ris new town is bounded by Loyang Halus on the west and Loyang River in the east and Tampines town in the south. A new Tampines Expressway (TPE) will link to other town like Yishun and Woodlands.
Schools to teach the Singapore story
Monday, 9th August 1982
Schools will introduce a new history syllabus, The Social and Economic History of Singapore from the day it was founded by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819 to its independence on Aug 9, 1965. This means new history books to give young Singaporeans an insight into their historical and cultural background.
Singapore Guards Formed
Tuesday, 1st July 1980
The Singapore Guards are best distinguished by their superior physical fitness, mental dexterity, discipline and tenacity. Guards are primarily an elite Infantry brigade.
Major Events 1 Nation Building 1 People 6 Places 19
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