Year 2012

Tag: Minister

Singapore and Malaysia Merger Proposal

Saturday, 27th May 1961

Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Malayan Prime Minister, proposed closer political and economic co-operation between the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei in the form of a merger. The main terms of the merger, agreed on by him and Lee Kuan Yew, were to have central government responsibility for defence, foreign affairs and internal security, but local autonomy in matters pertaining to education and labour.

Lee Kuan Yew Singapore First Prime Minister

Friday, 5th June 1959

Lee Kuan Yew, leader of PAP political party, was sworn in as Prime Minister of Singapore at the age of 35.

Singapore Legislative Assembly 2nd General Election

Sunday, 3rd April 1955

The second general election for the Legislative Assembly was a lively and closely-fought affair, with several new political parties joining the fray. Unlike previous elections, voters were automatically registered, expanding the electorate to around 300,000.The SPP was soundly defeated in the election, winning only four seats. The newly-formed, left-leaning Labour Front was the biggest winner with ten seats was led by David Marshall. Labour Front formed a coalition government with the UMNO-MCA Alliance, which won three seats. Another new party, the leftist People's Action Party (PAP) led by Lee Kuan Yew, won three seats.

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