Mother Teresa In Singapore
Tuesday, 30th November 1976
Mother Teresa, 66-years old, called the living saint by many was in Singapore. Mother Teresa was known for her work among the destitute and leprosy patients in Calcutta. She often said she had no time to think of affluence and believes that the rich lack the love and understanding of the poor. She spoke in a press conference by the Asian Conference on Religion and Peace.
In the press statement, she said "We do not need guns and bombs. The world is hungry for that love and peace which can give each other. If we can create peace in every home, then there will be peace in the whole world." Mother Teresa visit to Singapore paved the way for the first Missionaries of Charity Sisters, which arrived in 1986. They visited poor families and helped the sick and destitute at the Woodlands Aged Home and Pelangi Home. The Sisters later set up the Gift of Love Home in Punggol for the destitute and elderly of any faith, and eventually moved Gift of Love Home to Marymount Centre, Thomson Road, in 1998.