Year 1957
William Goode Appointed as Singapore Governor
Monday, 9th December 1957
Sir William Goode was appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Singapore from 9 December 1957 to 3 June 1959.
Transfer Administration of Christmas Island To Australia
Monday, 10th June 1957
After World War II in 1945, Christmas Island was placed under the administration of the Colony of Singapore. Phosphate was discovered, leading to a booming mining industry which required large number of labourers from Singapore. The British proposed the transfer of Christmas Island to Australia. Taking consideration of the losses in phosphate mining, Australia compensated the self-government of Singapore a total of 2.9 million pounds. This event contributed indirectly to the political downfall of Second Chief Minister of Singapore Lim Yew Hock, who was blamed by the public for not trying hard enough in securing the sovereignty of Christmas Island.
Singapore first battalion of soldiers
Tuesday, 12th March 1957
Singapore's very first battalion of regular soldiers, the First Singapore Infantry Regiment (1 SIR), was formed against a backdrop of impending self-government. Recruitment began on 4 Mar 1957 at the Recruiting Centre at Bras Basah Road as well as the Government Exchange at Havelock Road and Chua Chu Kang Road. Only Singapore citizens and persons born and bred in Singapore were recruited. Out of a total of 1,420 applicants, only 237 were accepted for training.
Nation Building 1 People 2 Places 1 Politics 2
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